What Is Your Why

No one cares.   Like they really don’t care.  They might act interested as you troll on about your race splits, how you almost bonked, how hot it was or whatever.  But look closer and you can see their eyes gloss over, their gaze off to the side, their mind clearly somewhere else.   Because it’s not about that.  

Running is a personal experience.   It must be personal, or you won’t continue.   Of course, there are obvious benefits: fitness, health, mental well-being, etc.   But to last there needs to be more.    There must be a deeper meaning, a very real and personal meaning.   Maybe running has helped you overcome serious mental health issues, or perhaps long-standing physical disease.     Maybe running has opened doors to a more meaningful and purposeful business or social life.   Maybe running has allowed you to dig deep within yourself and discover what you are capable of.   

So, what is your WHY?   The motivation must exist so you can push through the hard training days, slog through the long runs, or battle the inner demons at the end of a race.  Find it, embrace it, use it.     


Running with Gratitude


Perspective and Gratitude