Once upon a time…

There were these guys. Normal, average guys that talked about the weather so to speak. Then they started to talk about running, adventures and where is the next race. Then the talk got a little more interesting. Single track, elevation gain, multiple loops (even days), chaffing cream and a lot of other weird stuff that most normal guys don’t talk about. And what they have found out is a little but growing secret…this stuff is fun! It is fun, because we are meant for adventure. We are meant to be challenged. And we are encouraged when we fail, but get back up and try again. They also realized that it is fun to have….


Connection to oneself, nature around them and to others. Running is fun and it is fun when it pushes the limits. It is fun when something so simple can literally transform everything. Simply put, running connected two guys to each other that very few other things can do which is why….

You’re Here

These two guys want to share this experience with you. Build a community, that knows we all have a past, a present, and a future. We bring all of it together to share different motivations, different goals, but a common purpose. A purpose to train, learn and inspire each other to sacrifice some today, to make tomorrow better. We will focus on running, but this secret isn’t trademarked to just the short shorts crew. So join us on this adventure we all know as life. It is time to lace them up, stretch if you must and take that first step. We promise it will get easier!

The Two Guys